Supporting every life stage with Skinner’s
Good nutrition is key throughout a dog’s life to encourage health and longevity. Learn the importance of switching your dog’s diet at different stages of their life.
Active Dogs
Feeding & Nutrition
Skinner’s in-house Nutritional Team
Feeding for Breeding- Preparing a Stud Dog
Before breeding it’s important to consider the health and suitability of a dam and sire (mum and dad) before they produce a litter. Learn how you can prepare a Stud Dog for breeding.
Active Dogs
Feeding & Nutrition
Skinner’s in-house Nutritional Team
Help… My fussy dog won’t eat his food!
We very often get asked by our customers what they should do when their dog won’t eat their food. Learn why this can happen, and what you can do to help…
Active Dogs
Feeding & Nutrition
Skinner’s in-house Nutritional Team
How much should I feed my dog?
It can be hard to know how much is the correct amount to feed your dog. Use our online feeding guide to find the right amount for your four-legged friend.
Active Dogs
Feeding & Nutrition
Skinner’s in-house Nutritional Team
“Keep canine calm and carry on….. with modified meals”
Our dogs are now having to adapt to a sudden change in their daily routine. Here are our top tips to help you, help your dog just now in terms of mealtimes!
Feeding & Nutrition
Skinner’s in-house Nutritional Team
Keeping a happy and healthy Gundog off-season
What do we feed our gundogs when they are using less energy out of The Season? Look no further, your answer could be Field & Trial Maintenance; which is formulated … Continued
Active Dogs
Feeding & Nutrition
Skinner’s in-house Nutritional Team
Perfect puppies, thanks to Skinner’s
Given the lifespan of the average dog is about 13-14 years, those early days, weeks and months are critical from a nutrition point of view to make sure early growth and development supports a long and healthy adulthood.
Feeding & Nutrition
Puppies and Junior Dogs
Skinner’s in-house Nutritional Team
Let’s be sensitive about sensitive dogs – The Skinner’s Field & Trial Sensitive range
At Skinner’s we know there are lots of dogs that are sensitive, and we want to make sure we can support them and their owners.
Feeding & Nutrition
Sensitive Dogs
Skinner’s in-house Nutritional Team
Body condition – Be the best!
Body condition is a term widely used when talking about pet health and diet, but do you really know what is meant by the term and how best to monitor body condition?
Coat Maintenance
Feeding & Nutrition
Skinner’s in-house Nutritional Team
Using nutrition to support perfect performance
The dog has an entire biochemistry that is preadapted to use dietary fat as a source of energy, so for highly active dogs, a moderate to high level of fat in the diet is important.
Feeding & Nutrition
Skinner’s in-house Nutritional Team
Movement matters – Keeping joints healthy, the Skinner’s way!
Keeping active is essential for a dog’s mental and physical health whether it’s retrieving their favourite toy, having a mad five minutes with a canine buddy, going for a long walk or keeping active in some other way…
Feeding & Nutrition
Skinner’s in-house Nutritional Team
Good Nutrition
Nutrition is where food is ingested to provide all the key nutrients for survival. “Good nutrition” is where nutrients are provided in appropriate amounts to support not only survival but … Continued
Skinner’s in-house Nutritional Team