Thank you for contacting Skinner’s and agreeing to take part in a feeding trial.
As part of Skinner’s ongoing commitment to provide excellent nutrition and ancillary advice services to dog owners, conducting feeding trials is a way of collecting essential data about how dogs perform on our carefully formulated diets.
Collecting data in this way represents an opportunity for Skinner’s to monitor how our diets suit individual dogs in individual situations, as well as allowing us the opportunity to review suitability of a diet for individual dogs and then advise accordingly. We would be most grateful if you could complete the form below.
We recommend gradually introducing the new food to the existing diet gradually and ideally over 7-10 days. This allows the digestive system and its resident microbial population to adapt to dietary changes, but please be aware that during a change in diet there might be a transient increase in flatulence, changes in stool quality/quantity and other signs of digestive change. This typically represents the digestive system adapting to the change in diet and is completely normal. During this time, please make a note of any changes that you see using the table below.
We always recommend that owners’ weigh both their dog and the amount of food fed regularly to ensure consistency and accuracy.